"Oh, my head."

Reno blinked, finding himself looking at a large white cushion in front of his face.

"You're alive."

Reno lifted his head and immediately regretted it as pain shot through his temples. He let his head fall back down again, then tried again, turning it much more slowly.

He was lying on his couch. It was morning, or afternoon, or at least sometime during the day. Sunlight shone in brightly through the window, causing him to squint of a moment. Rude sat in a chair by his kitchen table, a paper propped in his hands.

"How are you feeling?" Rude inquired.

"Like shit."

"Well, I guess that makes sense seeing as that's how you look."

Reno slowly hauled himself up until he was in a sitting position, trying to piece together how he had gotten here. He couldn't remember much. The last thing he remembered was being at the Halo and Horns. He'd gotten into some kind of argument. With... Tifa?

Oh yeah, he'd called her a bitch.

He kinda regretted it a little now. He looked down at himself and saw he was fully clothed, well, except for his shoes. He looked up at Rude.

"When did you show up?" he questioned.

"Late last night," Rude replied. "Well, early this morning, technically." He placed the paper down on the table and stared at Reno.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Reno frowned.

"Tell you what?"

"That you had met Tifa."

Reno's frown grew longer. He just sat there for a minute looking at his old friend.

"How do you know about that?"

"She was here."

Reno's mouth slowly opened.

"She dragged your sorry ass back here after she found you lying in the street outside where she works," Rude continued.

Reno's mind was still trying to catch up.

"She was here?" he repeated.

"Yes, sitting right there in that chair," Rude replied, pointing to the other kitchen chair. "She wanted to know how you ended up with her picture."

"Picture... what picture?"

"The one of her and her daughter that was on top of your television."

Reno's mouth opened again and formed into a little 'o'.

"Shit," he muttered.

"I'm kind of curious myself as to how you came across it," Rude stated.

Reno sighed. He had that familiar cotton taste in his mouth.

"I need a drink," he said.

Tentatively he got to his feet. He still felt a little dizzy. He only remembered bits and pieces of last night and not anything at all about how he had gotten home. Had Tifa really been here?

Rude watched him as he walked over to the sink and poured himself a glass of water and drank it down.

Satiated for the moment, Reno went on to relate the tale of his encounter with the infamous Thelodius Baxter.

"After our little discussion I brought the picture back here and tossed in on the TV and I guess I just forgot about it," Reno finished.

"I don't think she was too happy to find it here," was Rude's only comment.

"I could imagine," Reno replied. He had no idea how he was going to explain that one.

"So when did you first meet her?"

"Tifa? About a week ago, I guess."

Reno then went on to tell the tale of how he ran into her in the first place, or rather how she came across him, and to his credit, he stuck pretty close to the truth.

"Weird running into her after all this time, isn't it?" he finished.

"Yeah, I suppose," Rude replied. Reno looked at him. He seemed distracted, like he had something else on his mind, but he spoke again before Reno could question it.

"You never answered my question."

"What question was that?"

"Why didn't you tell me you had met her?"

Reno hesitated. Why hadn't he told Rude? He had had the perfect opportunity when they had been in the bar and he had passed it up. He wasn't really quite sure why.

"I... I don't know," he said after a moment. "I guess it must have just slipped my mind."

Rude keep his face expressionless. The truth was he didn't quite buy that statement. He had known Reno for a long time, and felt he could detect Reno's lies better than most people. Still, he didn't press.

"She was kind of upset."

Reno waved his hand.

"I'l come up with some kind of story for the picture."

"No, not about the picture. About you."

"Me? What do you mean?"

"She said you've been causing her a lot of trouble."

Reno grinned.

"Of course. Causing trouble is what I do best. You know that. It's no big deal. She likes it."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"Why? What were you two talking about?

"Like I told you. You. She told me you're really getting on her nerves. She told me you beat up her boyfriend, that you caused a scene where she works."

"She told you all that? What, did she tell you her life story? It's been like pulling teeth to get her to say anything at all to me and she tells you all this in one night?"

"Have you ever tried just asking her politely?"

"No," Reno replied. "And if I did, she'd just think it was some kind of trick. Anyway, it's no big deal. She was just a little pissed off cause I put a dent in boyfriend's ugly mug. She'll get over it."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"What is it with you lately?" Reno questioned irritably. "Why are you giving me this mother hen shit all of a sudden. First you want me take a job with a pimp, then you tell me I'm wasting my life, and now you're getting on my case for harassing an old Avalanche member. You're starting to turn into a real pain in the ass, you know that? What ever happened to the old non judgmental Rude I used to know?"

Rude rested his head on his hand. He didn't answer right away.

"Maybe you're right," he said finally. "I don't know what's gotten into me lately. Guess I'm just starting to take life a little too seriously. You're right about the job. We don't need it. We can find something else but... you're wrong about Tifa."

Reno gave him a distasteful look. Why was he saying this? Reno didn't need anyone to mother him, and Rude had never seemed the type to do anything like that, but lately he'd been acting a little weird. What business was it of his how he was treating Tifa?

"I'm telling you, it's not that big a deal. I'm sure I'll be able to..."

"Are you making a play for her?"

Reno was taken aback by that question. For a moment he didn't know quite how to answer.

"I... well, no," he stammered. "No, of course not. What ever gave you that idea?"

Again Rude wasn't all that convinced by Reno's denial, but again, he didn't press the issue, but neither did he answer his friends question, just sat there. Reno's brow creased, wondering exactly what Rude was thinking.

"Let her go Reno," Rude said slowly.

The lines on Reno's forehead creased into a frown.

"She told me to tell you goodbye. She doesn't want to see you again," Rude told him.

Reno felt himself starting to get angry. What the hell was this all about?

"That's exactly what her boyfriend told me," he said.

Rude just looked at him. Reno had to admit he didn't like the way this conversation was going at all.

"Why do you care anyway?" he said suddenly. "If I want to go aggravate Tifa, that's my business." He stopped suddenly and gave Rude a long look.

"Unless your still interested in her yourself."

Again Rude paused thoughtfully before answering.

"I never denied that I'm attracted to her," he said carefully. "But I realized long ago that it wasn't going to happen between me and her. I'm not telling you this because of some agenda of my own, I'm telling you this as a friend. Let her go. You're not what she needs, Reno. You know that as well as I do. If you keep it up you're only going to make things worse for both of you."

Resisting the urge to snap at Rude, Reno didn't reply. He was still annoyed at the way Rude was treating him, and those words didn't help the matter. What was he now, some kind of expert psychologist? He didn't know what was going to happen anymore than anyone else did.

"I told you," Reno said. "I'm not interested in her. I'm only bothering her because it amuses me. That's all. There's nothing else to it."

"Yeah, well, she's not amused."

"Like I give a shit what she thinks!"

Rude sighed. He stood up, pushing his chair under the table.

"Why doesn't this surprise me?" he questioned. "She asked me to talk to you, to ask you to leave her alone. She doesn't want to see you any more Reno. I don't think she's joking about that. She wanted me to tell you because, I don't know, maybe she thought you'd take me a little more seriously. So I've done that, but I can't force you to do anything. I can't force you to not see her. I've done what I can."

He walked over to the couch and picked up his coat.

"Where are you going?" Reno asked.

Rude glanced down at his watch.

"I gotta get to work. Some of us still have jobs, you know."

"What time is it?"

"Three forty five."

Damn. Reno had no idea it was so late.

Rude put on his coat, walked over to the door and opened it. He turned to look at Reno once more. For a moment they just stood there looking at one another. It was obvious Rude still had something he wanted to say. Reno opened his mouth to tell him to just spit it out, but Rude spoke first.

"Don't hurt her."

He stood there for a second longer, looking at Reno, then turned and closed the door before Reno could reply.

Reno sat there, ignoring the dull throb in the back of his temples, wondering what the hell that had all been about. It was obvious Rude still had feelings for her. In spite of what he had said. Why else would he be so concerned about her damn feelings. This was none of his business. Why didn't he just keep his nose out of it?

That's what he told himself, but deep down he didn't really believe it. Rude wasn't the type to be self serving like that. They'd known each other for too long for that. Besides, he did have a point.

What the hell am I trying to prove, he thought.

He'd been hounding Tifa, yes. It was amusing, but was that all there was to it?

Was she really that pissed off about it?

He let himself fall back until his head rested against the back of the couch. Last night he had forgotten his troubles, but the problem with getting drunk was that you inevitably sobered up eventually, and when you did your problems were still there. Nothing had changed. For a long time he had felt like things were slowly slipping from his control. Ever since Shinra had fallen he had felt the pieces of his life slowly slipping away and lately that downslide seemed to be getting steeper and steeper and no matter how hard he tried he just kept falling. Looking ahead, he couldn't see any way out of the hole he had fallen into, which was probably why he usually avoided thinking about the future at all costs. Tifa was a diversion, something to take his mind off that. He had thought she felt the same way, that perhaps it was a diversion for her too, but now it seemed like that might not be true.

Maybe, just maybe, for once in his life he had gone too far.

Abruptly he got to his feet, not too quickly. His head already hurt, and thinking about things like this was just making it worse. He needed a shower. And a stiff drink.

"Sorry I'm late."

Delphine looked up as Tifa walked around behind the bar.

"That's okay," the raven haired girl replied. "You're not that late. I think Bernard was getting in a bit of tizzy though. It's not usually like you to be late."

"I know, I know," Tifa replied as she stashed her pocketbook. She could just imagine what Bernard must have been like. "Things were just a little hectic at home. Karisa was driving me crazy, she was cranky all day long. It's really not like her, she's usually so well behaved. I guess I should consider myself lucky it doesn't happen more often. She is only three, after all."

"Well, it's not like you missed anything, and Bernard'll get over it."

"Where is he?"

"In the back going through the costumes, or something."

Tifa nodded. She was here now, any coniptions he was having over her being late would subside. He'd get over it quick enough.

As busy as it was the day before, it seemed just the opposite today. Which was kind of odd because Wednesday's were usually the biggest weekday, well, except for Friday, but she considered that part of the weekend. Being the middle of the week, she assumed people wanted to get out and get a little relief to tide them over til the end of the week, but as the night wore on it didn't get very busy at all. At ten o'clock there were only a handful of people sitting at the tables and bar, or milling about, even though that was usually the busiest hour of the night. There were so few customers she had a clear view as Alicia went through her act on the dance floor, not that she paid much attention.

Being so slow, it didn't leave her much to do, and she spent most of the time cleaning glasses and checking the inventory. She kept glancing up at the door every once in a while. She couldn't help but wonder if Reno would show up tonight. Being the stubborn person he was she had a feeling he would. She really didn't think he would listen to reason, not even from his best friend. She didn't really want to get harsh with him but she would if she had too. Maybe it had just been a cop out, going to Rude, as if she hadn't wanted to face him. In a way that was true, she didn't want to deal with it. Still, if telling him straight out to his face that she didn't want to see him around anymore was what she had to do then that's what she would do. She couldn't go on like this.

Tell him straight out. That was funny. How many times already had she told him to go away, made it clear she didn't want him around? He hadn't taken her seriously and she supposed that was probably her fault, as she really hadn't wanted him to take her seriously. Not then. He was kind of fun to be with, in a twisted sort of way, but she had had enough. After what he had done, it wasn't a joke anymore.

It didn't surprise her at all when Reno strolled in a short time later. Caraca saw him too and started forward, but Tifa stayed him with a shake of her head. There was nothing for it, it was obvious to her she was going to have to handle this herself.

She walked over as Reno sat down at the bar.

"I didn't come here to fight," he said before she could open her mouth. He lifted his hand, opening it up and letting something fall to the counter in front of her.

It was a key.

"It was with the picture," he told her. "You left it at my place."

She looked at him a moment, then reached down and picked up the key, looking at it closely. It was a key to her apartment.

"I changed the lock, I don't need it anymore," she told him.

"Yeah, well, it's yours so I figured you should have it," he replied.

"How did you get this?" she asked.

Reno glanced around the room.

"Notice anyone missing lately?"

She frowned.

"Reno, I don't want to play any of your games."

"That pale guy? Remember him? The one who used to come in here and stare at you? He was the burglar. He was the one who had the key, who stole your picture."

She looked around. Now that he mentioned it, she hadn't seen that guy in a few days.

"I recognized him when I was chasing him," Reno continued. "The next night I came here and waited for him. I followed him home, then broke in his place. The picture and the key were both there. I brought them back to my place, intending to give them back to you, but I guess I just forgot about them."

For a long time Tifa didn't say anything at all, looking down at the key in her hand. She looked at him again, but nothing in his posture or expression indicated he was lying. Not that that mattered. She knew him well enough to know he was too good for someone to read his lies on his face. It all sounded reasonable, but didn't his lies always sound that way? Seemed like an odd story to make up, however.

"Why? Why did he take it?" she asked.

Reno shrugged. She didn't need to know all the details. He didn't think it would make her feel any better to know the guy was fixated on her.

"What difference does it make?" he asked. "He won't bother you again."

"What did you do to him?" she questioned sharply.

"Relax. Nothing serious. Just gave him a little taste of this," he patted his Mag-rod, then cocked his head to the side, looking at her carefully.

"You still sore?"

Tifa brought her hand up to her side.

"Literally or figuratively?"


"Yes and yes," she said. "If you recognized this guy when you chased him, why didn't you tell me?"

He shrugged again.

"I don't know. You looked kinda upset. I didn't want you to worry about it. I figured I could take care of it myself."

Tifa didn't reply. It made a certain kind of Reno sense, but she didn't know whether to believe him or not.

"Thank you," she said. "But this doesn't change anything."


I don't want to talk to you anymore," she cut him off. "Now I'm going to walk away and I don't want you to make a scene. If you do I'll have Caraca come over here and throw you out. And if you start in with him I'll have them call the police..."

"Would you just chill out for a minute," he got in.

"No, I'm not going to chill out," she said, trying to keep her voice down. The last thing she wanted was a repeat of last night. "You beat up my boyfriend and now he's gone off to Gongaga and I don't know if he's going to come back."

"He's a loser, Tifa."

"That's not for you to decide! Who the hell do you think you are? I'm not a little kid Reno. I'm a grown woman who has a three year old child. You're a drunk who's never taken responsibility for anything in his entire life and you've got the gall to tell me how to run mine?"

She glared at Reno, who said nothing.

"My life might not be that great. I might have made some mistakes, but they were my choices to make. I've survived all this time on my own and I'm proud of that. I don't need anyone Reno, especially not you."

She stared at Reno, letting him see the determination in her eyes. He looked down at the counter, but a moment later lifted his head again.

"Do you love him?"

Tifa stood there. She hadn't expected that question. For a moment she didn't know what to say. Almost without thinking she went with her old standy.

"That's none of your business."

"Do you love him?" he repeated. His eyes held hers this time. He didn't turn away. She had a feeling he wasn't going to leave her alone on this one until he got an answer, some kind of answer. She didn't want to say. It really was none of his business. Still, if telling him she did was what it took to get him to leave her alone, then maybe...

She opened her mouth to speak.


She turned around to see Caraca at the other end of the bar, holding up the phone.

"Call for you. I think it's your babysitter."

Tifa frowned. Why would Priscilla be calling her now? She looked at Reno, who was still staring at her.

"I'm going to get the phone," she said. "When I come back, I want you to be gone."

She walked away without waiting for a response. Reno glared at her, wondering to himself why he didn't take her advice and just go. He had to admit he was starting to get sick and tired of this attitude from her. He had been hoping she's snap out of it but it didn't seem now like she was going to. With her acting like this it just wasn't fun anymore.

He stood up. He didn't need this shit. He'd come here to give her her key, and he'd done that. Why the hell was he still sitting around here listening to her? He was about to turn away to leave but he looked over at her once last time and stopped. She was on the other side of the bar now, he couldn't hear what she was saying, but he could see the look on her face. She seemed suddenly upset.

She spoke quickly, then hung up the phone. She turned to Caraca and said something to him. He nodded, then put his hand on her shoulder. She turned away, walking over to the bar and bending down, quickly picking up her pocketbook. She walked over to the wall and took her coat off the peg it hung on.

Reno stepped back up beside the bar. She wasn't far away from him now.

"What's going on?" he asked.

She didn't reply. Putting on her coat she walked out from behind the bar, heading for the door.

He walked up next to her.

"What's happening?" he questioned again.

She turned to look at him for just a moment.

"Karisa is sick," she said tersely.

She walked out the door. Reno followed.

"What's wrong with her?" he said, ignoring the biting wind that blew down the street.

"I don't know," she replied. "Priscilla says she has a fever and she threw up."

Tifa didn't wait around to have a conversation. She broke into a run. Suddenly, any argument she might have been having with Reno fell into insignificance. She didn't care if he followed, she didn't care what he did. Priscilla had been upset, sounded like she had been on the verge of tears, and that sent a knot of fear through her. Karisa had been sick before, had had her share of childhood illnesses, but she hadn't been sick in quite some time and Tifa couldn't help but be worried. It anything happened to Karisa she didn't know what she would do.

She had gotten about two blocks when a taxi suddenly pulled up beside her. The back door opened and she saw Reno sitting inside.

"Get in," he told her.

It wasn't that far from the Halo and Horns to her apartment, but even so it would still be faster by car. She didn't know how Reno had found a cab so quickly but she didn't question it. She hopped in.

The ride back to her place didn't take long, and they spent it in silence. When the cab stopped Tifa pulled open the door and ran to her apartment, not waiting for Reno.

Priscilla appeared in the hallway as soon as Tifa walked in the door.

"I'm so glad you're here," she said, obviously upset. "I didn't know what to do."

"It's all right," Tifa said, trying to sooth the young girl. "You did the right thing by calling me."

She walked past Priscilla into her daughters room. Karisa was in bed, awake. She held out her arms when she saw her mother.


Tifa ran over and dropped to her knees beside the child's bed. She grabbed hold of Karisa and hugged her.

"It's all right, I'm here," she said.

She looked Karisa over. The child looked very pale. Her forehead was covered with sweat. Tifa placed a hand against her forehead. Geez, she was burning up.

"Mommy, I don't feel good," Karisa said plaintatively.

"I know honey," Tifa replied, feeling a lump forming in the throat. Karisa had had a fever once before, but she hadn't felt this hot. She had gotten a cold last year, but that hadn't felt like this then either. It might just be the flu or something, but even that could be life threatening for someone of her age. Tifa wasn't about to take any chances.

She stood up, turning to see both Priscilla and Reno standing in the doorway.

"I'm going to take her to the hospital," she announced. This late at night she didn't think she'd be able to get in touch with a doctor, at least not very quickly. The hospital would be quicker and she had a feeling a doctor would just tell her to take Karisa there anyway.

"The cab's still outside," Reno said.

Tifa looked at him.

"I told him to wait," Reno stated. "The hospital isn't far away. Who knows how long it would take for an ambulance to get here."

She nodded. This part of Junon, the ambulance service wasn't known from it's promptness. She didn't even know if this warranted an ambulance. She could just be blowing this out of proportion. It could be nothing, but she wasn't going to take any chances. She lifted Karisa up, blanket and all, and with Priscilla and Reno beside her left the apartment once again. Tifa wrapped the blanket tighter about her daughter as they walked out into the cold, then carrying Karisa, she and Reno got back in the cab. She turned to look at Priscilla before she closed the door.

"Thanks," she said.

Priscilla nodded, her face a mask of concern.

"Call me when you find out anything, okay?" she asked.

"Sure," Tifa said.

The door closed and the taxi drove off.

It didn't take long to reach the hospital, but to Tifa the drive seemed unbearable. She sat silently next to Reno, clutching Karisa in her arms. She wasn't sure her insurance would pay for this. If it turned out it wasn't a true emergency they might not. She wasn't sure exactly how her policy read. She didn't have medical coverage at work. They didn't provide it. She had had to pay for it on her own. It was expensive, and as a result, she had gotten one of the cheaper policy options. Not that it made any difference right now. She'd do whatever she had to do for her daughter and worry about anything else later.

The taxi finally pulled up in front of the emergency entrance to the hospital. Tifa got out, almost before it came to a halt and rushed inside, again not waiting for Reno. When he entered the emergency room she was already explaining to the receptionist what had happened.

"The pediatric waiting room is down the hall," the receptionist said. She looked around for a moment. "Nurse Taylor?"

A blonde nurse walked over to them.

"Could you show these people to the pediatric waiting room?" the receptionist asked, then looked at Tifa. "You'll have to come back and answer some questions."

"Come back?" Tifa questioned. "Can't I just answer them now?"

"The sooner you get her down to the waiting room the sooner she can be seen," Nurse Taylor told her confidently.

Tifa hesitated a moment, then nodded. They followed the nurse down the hall and into another room. This one was smaller with only a few chairs in it. There was one other couple in the room, the woman sitting in her chair with her arms folded looking at the wall in front of them, the man reading a magazine. Tifa saw no sign of a child and assumed he or she was already being seen.

"One of you can wait her with your child while the other goes back to the reception area to answer a few questions," the nurse told her, obviously drawing the conclusion that they were both Karisa's parents.

Tifa put Karisa down in one of the chairs, still swathed in her blanket. She looked at Reno.

"Stay with her."


She gave him a look.

"I'll be right back."

"Where are you going Mommy?" Karisa questioned.

"I just have to answer some questions. I'll be back in a minute."

Karisa held out her hands.

"I don't want you to go."

Tifa bent down in front of her and took her hand.

"I have to honey. I won't be long. I promise."

She glanced at Reno again.

"Don't worry... Uncle Reno will stay with you."

"Okay," Karisa said.

Tifa stood up.

"I'll be right back," she said to Reno and walked away.

Reno stood there watching her go. As far as he was concerned this was not a good idea. She had better only be a few minutes.

Thinking of nothing else to do, he sat down beside Karisa. The young girl looked at him.

"I don't feel good," she said.

Reno opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked around, but Tifa had just left. He wasn't sure how he ended up this way, but there was nothing he could do about it now but make the best of it.

"Don't worry kiddo, they'll take care of you here. They'll fix you up good as new in no time."

Karisa nodded, looking very serious, but said nothing more. Reno just looked around uncomfortably. He didn't like hospitals to begin with and being here alone with Karisa just made him feel even more awkward. Fortunately, Tifa wasn't gone very long. Just a short time later he let out a sigh of relief as she saw her approaching.

Tifa pulled her daughter into her arms and sat down.

"How long is it going to be?" Reno asked.

"I don't know," Tifa replied. "They didn't tell me that." She felt Karisa's head. The child was still just as hot as before.

She turned to look at Reno.

"How much was the cab?"

Reno hesitated a moment.

"Umm.. fifteen gil."

Tifa started to fish around in her pocket.

"You don't have to give me that," Reno said.

She pulled out some gil and held it out for him.

"I'm the one who needed the cab Reno. I don't want you to do me any favors."

Again he hesitated. It was obvious that in spite of all that had happened she was still upset with him.

"No, I don't mean it like that," he confessed. "The cabby didn't charge me. He must have felt sorry for the kid. He told me trips to the hospital were free."

She looked at him for a moment, then pushed her gil back into her pocket. She shook her head. She should have known. At least... at least he had told her the truth.


The place was quiet. This room seemed to be far away from any hustle and bustle. It was off in a corner, away from the traffic that went through the main emergency room. They were silent for a while, until Tifa suddenly lifted her head and looked around.

"I should probably call Brent," she said.

There was a clock on the wall above the door. It was a little after eleven. The guy was probably asleep by now, Reno thought. He probably went to bed around eight.

"Don't you think you should wait until you know for sure what's wrong?" he asked.

Tifa pushed her hair away from her face.

"Yeah, I suppose," she said.

They fell silent again. The only sound was the tapping of feet as someone walked by in the hall and the low hum from a heating vent along the wall.

Reno began to get antsy. He hated sitting around waiting. Tifa wasn't in a very patient mood herself, but they didn't have to wait long before a doctor approached them with a clipboard in his hand. Tifa stood up when he stopped in front of them. The man looked at Karisa in her arms.

"How you feeling sweetie?" he asked.

Karisa just buried her head in her mothers shoulder.

"Oh, the shy type are we?" the doctor questioned. "Well, that's all right. I'm Dr. Quigley."

He looked at his clipboard.

"This is Karisa?"

"Yes," Tifa replied.

"You're her parents?"

"I'm her mother," Tifa said.

The doctor nodded.

"Why don't you bring her into the exam room and we'll have a look at her."

Tifa followed him as he walked into another room. Reno tagged along behind, not sure whether to follow or not.

The doctor indicated for Tifa to put Karisa down on a gurney sitting in the center of the room. He uncurled the blanket from around her then started his examination. As he did so he asked Tifa a number of questions. A short time after that a woman came in to draw some blood. Karisa had had blood drawn before and knew it wasn't pleasant experience. She began to cry. Tifa held her had and soothed her, telling her to be brave. They got the blood from her without too much trouble. Tifa was proud of her actually, for being so brave. After the exam was done the doctor bundled Karisa up again.

"I think we're going to be admitting her," he told Tifa.

"Why?" Tifa said immediately, starting to worry even more. If they were doing that it had to be something serious.

"It's just a precaution," he told her. "She has a high fever and she's dehydrated. I'll know more when the tests come back. It shouldn't take too long. I have some other patients to attend to. I'll let you know as soon as we know anything."

Tifa nodded, not sure what to say. In spite of his reassurance the gnawing feeling in her gut just continued to get worse.

The doctor walked away. There was only one chair in the exam room, and Tifa sank into it. Reno stood off to the side, leaning against the wall.

The minutes creeped by. There was a table with a cabinet above it right beside the gurney. Reno walked over to it and opened it up, taking out the medical supplies inside and looking them over.

"Wonder what this is for?" he questioned, holding up a package with a long tube in it with a bulb on the end.

"Reno, stop that," Tifa said. He just couldn't resist the urge to play, could he?

Reno gave her a look, then shrugged and went back to his wall.

Tifa wasn't sure how long it took for Dr. Quigley to come back. There was no clock on the wall in here, and she wasn't wearing her watch. When he did finally return he had Nurse Taylor in tow. Tifa stood up again.

"We are going to admit her," he said. "Nurse Taylor will take her up to her room?"

"I want to go with her," Tifa said.

The doctor looked at her for a moment.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible."

"What do you mean?" Tifa asked. What was he talking about?

Instead of replying, the doctor motioned toward the chair.

"Sit down."

Sit down. Sit down? They never tell you to sit down unless it's something serious. Tifa felt the knot tighten in her stomach.

"I don't want to sit down," Tifa replied. "Tell me what's wrong with my daughter!"

The nurse lifted up Karisa in her arms. The child started to squirm.

"Mommy!" she called out.

"I'm right here Karisa," Tifa said. "It's all right. The nurse is just taking you to your room. I'll be there shortly."

Karisa started to cry again. Tifa stood there, feeling tears beginning to well in her own eyes. What was going on? Why were they taking Karisa away?

"Sit down, please," Dr. Quigley said.

Tifa slowly sank back into the chair, looking up expectantly at him.

"You can't go up with her because... they're taking her to the isolation ward."

Tifa felt a tear fall down her cheek.

"Why? Why are they taking her there? What's wrong with her?"

The doctor looked down at her gravely, then he bowed his head.

"I'm sorry, but she has Meteor Fever."