"You wanted to see me sir?"

"Yes, have a seat Zack."

Zack eased himself down on the sofa, feeling vaguely uneasy. Sephiroth had often summoned him, sometimes at very odd hours, usually to discuss their current mission, but that had always been to his office, never his private quarters, and never this late at night. He could only surmise it had something to do with the mission, and was too important to wait. He hoped nothing had happened to Cloud.

He looked around slowly. He had never been in Sephiroth's private quarters before. The décor was tasteful but not plush. Sephiroth made more than enough to live a luxurious lifestyle, but there was nothing pretentious here. As was often the case with career soldiers, he eschewed life's finer things as being for the weak of mind and thus, unworthy of his attention.

"Have you learned anything new?"

"Not since I last briefed you," Zack replied, assuming Sephiroth was referring to the mission.

"Strife seems to be doing a good job," Sephiroth continued. "The both of you have done well, actually."

Zack just nodded, waiting impatiently for the General to get to the point. He knew Sephiroth hadn't called him her to tell him he was doing well. Yet it seemed the General was in no rush to accommodate his desires, for his next words were; "Would you like something to drink?"

Zack paused for a moment before replying. All this time they had been together, Sephiroth had never been 'social' with him, or with anyone, for that matter. The General had always been all business, which made what he was saying now seem even more bizarre.

"No thank you," Zack replied, placing his hands nervously in his lap. He was getting the feeling more and more that something was wrong. What else could explain this behavior? In all the years he had known him, Sephiroth had always been a straight shooter, someone who came right to the point and didn't mince words. He felt his stomach tighten as he thought that perhaps Sephiroth had somehow found out about Aeris, had found out she might be working with the Nighthawks, and that Zack hadn't mentioned it. Perhaps his own loyalty would be called in question.

He decided to take the initiative himself. If he was in some kind of trouble, the sooner he got it out in the open the better.

"Did you call me here to talk about the mission?"

Sephiroth did not reply right away, just sat there looking at him. The General had a way of looking at someone that instantly transmitted his displeasure. His face would go sort of expressionless but his eyes would get hard as emeralds. Someone who didn't know him wouldn't even notice, probably, but Zack had seen it often enough to know right away that whoever Sephiroth pinned with that gaze was in for it. The look Sephiroth was giving him know was not quite like that, but similar enough to cause him even more concern. He was more convinced than ever that something was going on, something extremely important.

"No," Sephiroth replied finally. "I didn't call you here to talk about the mission. I called you here to talk about...philosophy."

Zack just gave him a blank look. Of all the things Zack guessed Sephiroth might say, that was just about at the bottom of the list. Sephiroth had never asked him anything like this before. What the hell was going on?

"Philosophy," Zack repeated slowly. "I don't understand."

Instead of answering his question, Sephiroth asked another.

"How do you feel about Shinra?"

Zack still had no idea where this was going.

"How I feel about Shinra?" he said, repeating the General's words again. "I don't know what you mean."

"It's a pretty straightforward question," Sephiroth responded.

Zack sat there groping for a response, still trying to figure out where this was going and failing miserably. Why on earth would the General want to know how he felt about Shinra? Did he even know himself how he felt about Shinra? What kind of stupid question was that?

Of course, he couldn't say that to the General...

"Umm, I don't know," he said hesitantly. Try as he might, he couldn't divine what the General was thinking, or what kind of response he was looking for. Was this some kind of test? If so, he had no idea how to respond.

"I don't think I ever really thought about it," he said finally, deciding that the truth was better than guessing.

"Well, maybe it's about time you did," Sephiroth replied.

Zack just looked at him for a moment. He still had no idea where this was all leading and frankly, he was getting a little tired of it. This was so unlike Sephiroth.

"You're a soldier, Zack," Sephiroth continued. "I've known you long enough to know that your sentiments toward politics are not that different from mine. I don't care for politicians and I don't think you do either. They are intrusive and always making impossible demands. They have no idea what it's like to actually carry out their orders in the real world. I found out long ago that the best thing to do was just do my job and leave the politics to others."

Still Zack said nothing. Sephiroth was right, but it didn't seem like he needed any response.

"But sometimes that's impossible," Sephiroth went on. "Sometimes, no matter how much you wish to avoid it, you can't help but get caught up in things political. It's the nature of being a soldier. We carry out Shinra's will, and as such we sometimes cannot avoid being caught up in the political aspects whether we like it or not."

"I suppose that's true," Zack said after a moment, more to prod Sephiroth to continue than to make any statement.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I'm telling you all this," Sephiroth said, which of course, was exactly true. "This isn't something I normally discuss with one of my soldiers, in fact, it's not something I ordinarily discuss with anyone, but a change is coming. A profound change, and we're all going to have to make some choices."

Zack still had no idea what Sephiroth was trying to tell him, but it seemed at least that it had nothing to do with him and Aeris. He felt relief for that, but not much. Still, he suddenly found himself very interested in what Sephiroth was saying.

"Did you know that eighty percent of the power generated by the mako reactors that's distributed here in Midgar goes to the upper plate, while only twenty percent goes to those below the plate, even though those below the plate make up sixty percent of the population of Midgar? And that's only the power distributed here in Midgar. Of the total power generated, almost forty percent is shunted to other cities such as Junon and Kalm, even though that energy is needed here? Did you know that there were rolling blackouts that sometimes lasted for days in the slums over the winter because the power sent down there wasn't sufficient to light and heat the lower sections of the city even though the reactors generate more than enough total power to prevent that from happening? Did you know that Shinra raised their prices thirty seven percent across the board over the last three years even though their operating costs actually went down? Did you know that the average salary of someone working below the plate is eleven thousand gil a year, or that the poverty level is considered fifteen thousand gil? Did you know that the average salary for a top Shinra executive for last year was sixteen million gil?"

Zack didn't say anything, a bit overwhelmed by this sudden wave of facts. No, he hadn't known any of that. Sixteen million gil? Man, that seemed like a lot. He really had had no idea. He knew Sephiroth had a certain disdain for Shinra. The man hadn't hid that fact, yet Zack hadn't realized just how strong that feeling apparently was, but still, what did that mean? Even if everything Sephiroth was telling him was true, what did that have to do with them? They were just soldiers. They just did what they were told. He certainly wasn't making anywhere near sixteen million gil himself!

But Sephiroth wasn't done yet.

"And that's just the half of it," he continued. "Did you know that Hojo is having people in the slums abducted to use in his experiments? That's how he got started on the Soldier program. Did you know that most of them die and none of them are ever heard from again? Did you know that that sick bastard..."

Sephiroth stopped abruptly. Again Zack was surprised. He knew Sephiroth didn't really care for President Shinra, but he hadn't had any idea about how the man felt for Hojo. He had heard that Hojo had been the one who had raised him, more or less.

"I'm sorry," he the General continued. "You don't need to know the details. All you need to know is that what he is doing is inhuman and he has the full backing of President Shinra."

Zack was just as surprised by this sudden tirade as he had been by Sephiroth's lack of directness. Now what was he supposed to make of this? He had been hoping that they were finally getting to the point, but he still couldn't see where this was all leading.

"Okay," Zack said slowly, trying to get this straight in his own mind. "So Shinra is loaded down with sleaze balls. Begging your pardon sir, but I still don't see what that has to do with us."

Abruptly Sephiroth's head lifted and he stared at Zack.

"Have you ever heard of the Promised Land?"

Zack frowned. That sounded vaguely familiar, but think as he might, he couldn't recall where he had heard it before, if at all. Finally he shook his head.

"It's a Cetra term," Sephiroth stated. "You've heard of the Cetra, right?"

Zack hesitated a moment, his nervousness returning, wondering if maybe this had something to do with Aeris after all.

"They were a race of people who lived on this planet a long time ago," he replied evenly.

"Yes, and they were much more advanced than us," Sephiroth said. "There is a legend handed down from them of the Promised Land, an area of the world filled with the power of the planet, but no one has ever been able to find it. Some say it doesn't exist, but President Shinra believes it does. Hojo has found evidence of it, convincing enough to make me believe it exists as well."

"Shinra is looking for it. They want to try to exploit that power. If they could find it, they would have a practically unlimited power source. We've already seen that they don't care what happens to others, or the planet itself. All Shinra is interested in is his profits. They'll suck the planet dry, no matter what harm it might do to the planet itself, just so they can make more gil, as if they don't have enough already. I've seen Hojo's notes. The planet needs that energy to heal itself. It uses it to continue all life processes that occur here. No one knows what kind of damage could be incurred if someone interfered with that, but it could be catastrophic. Shinra either doesn't realize it or doesn't care, but using that energy could lead to the destruction of the entire planet. I don't think that I can let that happen. I don't think any of us can."

Zack didn't reply, didn't know what to say. It was sounding more and more to him like Sephiroth was talking about turning against the company. Was that what this was all about?

"How sure are you of this?" Zack said slowly.

"That the company is after the Promised Land? There is no doubt. Nor is there any doubt as to what they will do if they find it. The only real question is what will happen if they do, what kind of damage it will cause. There are a number of theories, most of them bad, but there's no way to know for sure until it actually occurs, and by then it will be too late."

"But it's possible?" Zack said. "It's possible nothing bad will happen even if they do find this 'Promised Land' and exploit it?"

"Anything is possible," Sephiroth replied. "Let's put it this way, I'm convinced that Shinra finding the Promised Land would be a very bad thing for all of us, and I intend to do something about it. The only real question here is, what are you going to do?"

Zack didn't like what he was hearing at all. He had known what Sephiroth was going to tell him would be important, but he hardly thought it would be like this! They all worked for Shinra. The company had given them their jobs, had taken care of them all this time. Loyalty was important to a soldier, sometimes it was all one could depend on in battle. Yet here he was, their general, their leader, talking about turning against their own?

"You say most of the theories say that exploiting the Promised Land tell us that something bad will come of it," Zack said, still not sure exactly how far Sephiroth was willing to go to stop Shinra. "Doesn't the President know that? Hasn't he seen the theories as well?"

"Of course he has," Sephiroth replied. "But he doesn't care. He's obsessed. He thinks that finding the Promised Land will solve all his problems, will make him rich beyond his dreams. Some people have already talked to him, but that's not going to make him change his mind. Talk isn't going to do the trick."

Zack shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"So what are you saying?" he said, deciding to get it out in the open now that he was fairly certain of what Sephiroth was alluding to. "Are you talking about overthrowing Shinra?"

Zack looked around suddenly. They were talking about overthrowing Shinra, and here they were, right in Shinra headquarters. He didn't have any illusions about what would happen to him or Sephiroth if someone found out what they were discussing. Should they even be talking about this here?

Sephiroth noticed his eyes darting about.

"Don't worry, no one can hear us," the General reassured him. "I'm sure these quarters at least are safe, which was why I had you come here and not to my office."

He paused for a moment, looking Zack over carefully.

"Given the nature of the company, do you think that would be such a bad thing?"

Zack didn't know what to say. In fact, that seemed to be how he had felt the entire night. Even if everything Sephiroth was telling him was true, it still seemed beyond belief that the General would comprehend such a thing. Zack felt like this was waaay over his head.

"Oh, I know how you feel," Sephiroth told him. "Turning against the company, betraying their loyalty, it's against everything we've been brought up to believe, against everything we've been taught in Soldier, but a good Soldier is a man who thinks for himself, and sometimes there are more important things than loyalty, especially to those who don't have any loyalty to you."

For the first time that night, Sephiroth sat down. He leaned forward and looked squarely at Zack.

"I didn't come up with this idea overnight. It took me a long time to come to the decision I've come to. I spent plenty of sleepless nights looking for an alternative, but there isn't any. The bottom line is, what the company is planning is wrong and it has to be stopped, but even I can't do that by myself. As popular as I am, I can't turn against Shinra and expect to succeed without help. I need people who I can depend on, who I know are loyal to me. I'm sure you realize the implications of my telling you all this. I hate to spring this on you out of the blue, but there was no way to ease you into it."

The implications, Zack thought. Of course he did. Once he was aware of Sephiroth's plan he was involved, whether he wanted to or not, whether he went along or not. There was no pretending he hadn't heard. It was obvious now what Sephiroth was saying, he was turning against Shinra and Zack was either with him or against him. He could either turn against the most powerful company in the world or...what? What would Sephiroth do if he declined to go along. This obviously wasn't something Sephiroth would want to get out. Could he take the chance of letting Zack walk out the door without agreeing to join him? It seemed hard to believe that Sephiroth would try to stop him, might even kill him, if he didn't go along, but before he came into the room, he would have found everything he had heard tonight hard to believe. Sephiroth was the most famous swordsman in the world, had been in more battles than anyone who lived. Zack knew he was good but he couldn't possibly stand against the mighty Sephiroth if it came to a battle. Besides, he wasn't even armed.

"I know my telling you all this puts you in a delicate position," Sephiroth stated, as if he could tell what was on Zack's mind. "I know you might not have wanted to have anything to do with this. Unfortunately that's not a choice for you now. You may not want to get involved in the politics of all this but I'm afraid I'm giving you no choice. Like I said, I can't do this by myself. I need people, good people, who I can trust. We've known each other for a long time Zack. You're a good person. I know you don't want to go against Shinra, but someone has to stop them before it's too late. If Shinra succeeds in finding the Promised Land, it could doom us all. We've worked together for years Zack. You know the kind of person I am. I'm asking you to trust me. I'm sure this is kind of overwhelming and you'd perhaps like some time to mull this all over, but I'm afraid that's just not possible. Since I've already told you what's going on I need to know where you stand, and I need to know now."

He needed to know now. Or what? Sephiroth would kill him? Was that what this was, an ultimatum? This was putting him in a very uncomfortable position, to say the least, and he didn't like it one bit. He trusted Sephiroth, had trusted him with his life more than once in battle, but this, this was asking a lot, especially considering he didn't have time to think it over, or to find out if what the General was telling him was true.

But why wouldn't it be? They had known each other for two years now, and in all that time, Sephiroth had never steered him wrong, or lied to him, as far as he knew. He knew the General didn't like Shinra all that much but he had always treated the members of Soldier like brothers, had often said in speeches that the only one's they could trust or depend on were each other, that they were a family. What was he thinking, that Sephiroth was making a power grab for...what? His own gain? He was already famous. If not rich, he was well paid, and didn't seem to be wanting, nor crave things beyond his means. Zack didn't know much about the inner workings of Shinra, but he knew enough that he could well believe Sephiroth's accusations against them. Sephiroth had always done what was best for the Soldier program and his troops, even if it meant making sacrifices himself. He was a brave and honorable man. Why would Zack think things would be any different now?

Still, it was hard to grasp. They would be going up against the most powerful company in the world. That was a scary thought.

He looked up to see Sephiroth looking at him intently, waiting for an answer. He didn't want to commit himself right now, he wanted more time to think, but he knew Sephiroth wasn't going to give him that.

"We're not going to overthrow Shinra tomorrow, if that's what you're thinking," Sephiroth interrupted his thoughts. "This has been in the planning stages for a long time, and there is still a lot to do before we move. All I'm asking for right now is to let me know where your loyalties stand. It's either me or Shinra. You have to make a choice."

Zack still hesitated. What else could he say but yes, with the unsaid threat hanging over him. In spite of his disbelief that Sephiroth would harm him, he had to be realistic. If he didn't agree Sephiroth couldn't afford to let him just walk out. The General had to be aware of that, and must know that Zack had no choice but to agree. So why ask in the first place, when the response was predestined? The General was staring right at him now, waiting patiently for an answer. Was he hoping to see the truth in Zack's eyes, no matter his response? Zack wondered if he could hide the truth, if he lied.

In spite of the pressure to agree, he realized Sephiroth was right. What it came down to was a choice, a choice of whether he trusted Shinra, who paid his salary but hadn't done much else for him, or Sephiroth, who had personally taken him under his wing, who had taught him so much, who had shown loyalty to him over and over again, who had saved his life in battle more than once.

Thinking that he realized why he was hesitating. He didn't doubt what Sephiroth had told him. He didn't even have any doubt about which side to join. The problem was he knew this decision would change everything, would make his whole world different. Shinra had been the only home he'd known for the last three years. He had gotten used to being here, was comfortable here. If they did this, if they overthrew Shinra, everything would change, and frankly, that scared the hell out of him.

"I'm with you sir," he said finally, "but I have to admit I'm a little scared about what will happen. I mean, Shinra is everything I have, they've made me what I am. Not that you haven't either, but, it's just hard to picture myself going against them. I guess I just have to give myself some time to get used to the idea. Frankly, right now, I'm kind of shell shocked."

For the first time that night Sephiroth smiled.

"I know. I feel the same way, or did when I first started contemplating this. I know I've kind of dropped it in your lap all of a sudden, but like I said, nothing is going to come of it any time soon. We're still in the planning stages. I just had to know if you were onboard."

"We?" Zack said.


"You said, 'we're in the planning stages'. I take it there are more people involved in this."

"Yes," Sephiroth replied, 'but don't expect me to tell you who, at least, not yet."

Zack nodded. Sephiroth certainly wasn't stupid. It would be better if he didn't know who his fellow conspirators were, in which case he wouldn't be able to give them away if 'persuaded' to talk by Shinra.

Zack rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"So what happens if we do overthrow Shinra?" he asked. "Who takes over? You?"

"Yes, at least in the beginning," Sephiroth replied. "Let's face it, I'm well known and have a loyal following. Most people know my name and probably wouldn't object. After we have things running on an even keel, we can find or elect someone who's better suited to running a company. I'm a Soldier, not a bureaucrat. I don't plan on sitting behind a desk for the rest of my career, even if that's what people want."

Zack nodded. It made sense. It was silly for him to think Sephiroth might just be making a power grab.

"So what do you want me to do?" he asked.

"Nothing at the moment," the General replied. "Like I said, nothing is going to happen anytime soon. Just go about your business as usual."

Sephiroth stood up. Zack did as well, taking that as in indication that the meeting was at an end.

"I'm glad we got to talk, and I got this out in the open," Sephiroth stated. "Frankly I wasn't sure how you would take it, and I wanted you on my side on this badly. You're a good man Zack."

"Thank you sir," Zack replied. If anyone else had said that he would have just thought they were buttering him up, but he had known the General too long for that.

"All right, go get some rest," Sephiroth told him. "The best thing for you to do right now is to forget about everything I just told you. For now."

Zack nodded then turned and walked toward the door.

"Oh, one other thing."

The young Soldier turned around to face the General again.

"Strife," Sephiroth said. "I'd like him to be in on this as well. How do you think he will take it?"

Zack paused for a moment. He was sure Cloud would be surprised as he was about this little development.

"I think you can depend on him as well, sir," Zack said. "Do you want me to bring it up to him?"

"No," Sephiroth replied immediately. "This isn't something that should be talked about loosely. Not that I don't trust you, but Shinra has ears everywhere. It's best I tell him, but he's got enough on his mind right now. I'll talk to him after this mission is over."

Zack nodded. The General was right. Cloud was out in the field. He had enough to worry about.

"Okay. Good night sir."

"Good night to you Zack."

Zack slipped out the door.

Sephiroth stood where he was for quite some time after Zack left. It had gone about as well as he had hoped. He had been certain Zack would go along. The young man wasn't stupid. Even if he hadn't agreed, he wouldn't have been foolish to openly say that, but Sephiroth had been watching him carefully. They had known each other a long time, and he was pretty sure he could read Zack well enough to know that the man was truly on his side and not just saying it. He was greatly relieved by that. He hadn't been lying when he said he wanted Zack on his side badly. He wanted everyone in Soldier on his side. All his talk of brotherhood and family hadn't been just lip service. He really did think of Soldier as his family, the only family he had ever had. He didn't know who his real parents were, and he certainly didn't think of Hojo as a father, even though the man had raised him. The last thing he wanted was to have to oppose someone from Soldier.

He slowly walked over to the window and looked out. He was high up in the Shinra building, and could see most of the city awash in lights below him.

There was still a lot to do, but things were going pretty much according to plan. He hadn't lied to Zack. He hadn't lied about anything. Just like President Shinra, he was convinced the Promised Land was out there, and he was determined that Shinra not get it's hands on it.

No, it was better if the Promised Land remained hidden, were not found at all, but he knew that was probably impossible. If Shinra found out about the existence of the Promised Land, then others would too. He couldn't control everyone, he couldn't stop people from looking for it. Even if he put a stop to Shinra, that didn't mean that the Promised Land would eventually not be discovered. It was inevitable, and even if it wasn't Shinra who found it, who was to say whoever did find it would not exploit it in the same way Shinra intended? That much power would be dangerous, even in the hands of a morally just person. Who knows what it could do to a human? That much temptation would be difficult to resist, but if it was inevitable that the Promised Land be found, then wouldn't it be better if he was the one who found it? After all, if his theories were correct, he was a Cetra. The Promised Land was a discovery of the Cetra. Who better to find it and manage it than one of their own?

No, it all made perfect sense. He would take over, replace the corrupt leaders of Shinra with someone who was fair minded, who cared about the people, not just the gil. He would find the Promised Land and protect it, making sure it's resources were not exploited by some stupid fools whose only concern was gil. He wouldn't do that, he would be wise and just. It was all for the best. He was only looking out for the welfare of everyone else. He was doing it for the benefit of all.

Or at least, that's what the voice inside his head told him.

Aeris opened her eyes, looking into the darkness. She wondered idly what time it was, and why she had awoke.


She sat up in bed, her head jerking up to look at the window. It was dark out, but she could see the soft glow of one of the streetlights below. She stopped, listening. She could faintly hear sirens in the distance, but that hadn't been what woke her up. Something had hit her window...

She slipped out of bed, the hard wood floor cold against her bare feet. She walked over to the window and looked out at the darkened street below.

A small figure was standing in the street in front of the house.

Aeris pulled her window up. The cold air rushing in sent a shiver through her.


Aeris looked down at the girl below her.


"Aeris, come down, we need your help!"

Aeris frowned. She had thought she would never see the young girl again.

"Mouse what are you..."

"No time to talk," Mouse interrupted. "You have to come down. Hurry, someone is hurt!"

Aeris just stood there for a moment, not really sure what to think. Mouse hadn't seemed exactly pleased with her the last time they had spoken. She hadn't joined them like they asked, and she hadn't forgotten that Marcus had threatened to kill her. Was this some kind of trap?

She leaned forward, trying to get a better look at the girl below, but it was too dark, she couldn't see Mouse's face, couldn't judge if she looked sincere, not that that was particularly significant.

"All right, I'll be down in a minute," she said finally.

She pushed the window closed, then quickly changed into street clothes and a long grey coat. As she left her room, she picked up her rod.

She walked carefully down the stairs, trying not to make them creak. If Elmyra heard her and woke up, well, there would be a row for sure, and Aeris wasn't anxious for that to happen, but all was quiet when she reached the front door.

She opened it up and slipped out, the cold causing her breath to come in little white puffs. Even though spring was already here, since the sun did not penetrate below the plate, it always seemed cold here.

Mouse scampered up to her as she came out.

"What's going on?" Aeris demanded. "If my mom finds out I'm out here they'll be hell to pay!"

"This way!" Mouse said, tugging on her arm. "Riley's been shot."

Aeris let herself be led along. Mouse sounded genuinely upset, which went a long way toward convincing Aeris that this was on the level. Still, she knew enough about that Nighthawks that her suspicions did not disappear completely. Even if their was someone hurt, that still didn't mean they didn't have something planned for her. She had helped cure Mouse, but that hadn't stopped them from wanting to kill her.

She looked around at the darkness as they walked. The Nighthawks weren't the only problem anymore. She hadn't expected to hear from or see anyone from the Nighthawks again. She hadn't forgotten what Zack had told her. He had said he was going to watch over her. Was he out there, even now? What would she do if he appeared, if he confronted the Nighthawks now? Would he think she was working with them? Was she? She wasn't even sure herself at this point.

Her heart skipped a beat when she suddenly saw figures in the darkness ahead of them, but Mouse ran over to them immediately and Aeris realized it was the other members of the Nighthawks and not Zack and some friends from Soldier.

One figure was on the ground. Aeris went over and stooped down beside him. It was Riley. He was clutching his side, his shirt covered with blood. She pulled his shirt aside to examine the wound, ignoring the dark look he was giving her.

"Can you help him?"

It was Marcus' voice.

"I'll try," she replied.

She bowed her head, trying to clear her mind. By now she was quite adept with her powers, or at least, this particular one. It only took a moment before the refreshing breeze blew through the air around them. A few seconds later she lifted her head, then stood up.

"What are you doing?" Marcus said, coming to stand beside her. "Aren't you going to help him?"

"I've done what I can," Aeris replied.

"But, you didn't do anything!" Marcus snapped. "You just looked at him..."

Mouse had slipped in behind them and was looking at Riley.

"No, that's the way it works," she said. "Look, his wound is closed. It's no longer bleeding!"

Marcus shut his mouth, looking closely at Riley, his brow furrowed.

"What happened?" Aeris questioned.

For a moment Marcus did not reply. It was obvious that Aeris talents had impressed him. Even so, they did not appear to have made him any friendlier.

"None of your business," he said slowly.

"Marcus," Mouse interjected.

"It's none of her business," Marcus said more forcefully.

Mouse just looked at him for a moment.

"We were trying to steal electricity over at the Carolina Street Substation," she said. "It was a trap. Some Shinra guards attacked us. Riley was shot."

"Mouse, shut up!" Marcus snapped.

"It's the second time this week we've almost been caught," Mouse continued, looking defiantly at Marcus. "Shinra seems to have all the substations staked out, waiting for us."

"I said shut up!" Marcus yelled, talking a step over toward Mouse.

"She helped us!" Mouse yelled back. "She cured me and probably saved Riley's life. She's our friend!"

Marcus' hand suddenly shot out, smacking the side of Mouse's head and sending her spinning backwards, stumbling to the ground. Aeris jumped forward to stand between them, her rod raised.

"Leave her alone!"

Marcus just looked at Aeris, slowly placing his hands on his hips. Behind them Mouse lifted herself to her knees, her hand coming up to her cheek.

Aeris readied her rod, but Marcus did not step forward.

"Our friend?" he said, directing his words at Mouse. "We don't have any friends. You don't have any friends, except the Nighthawks. How dare you defy me, after all I've done for you! Was it so long ago that you're forgotten how I found you in that alley after you'd run away from your parents? What kind of condition you were in? No one gave a damn about you. Your parents certainly didn't. Do you want me to tell your 'friend' here exactly what kind of condition you were in that night? Half starved and covered with bruises? Do you want me to tell her how your mother ignored you, or how your father beat you? Or how he had taken you in his room that night and..."

"No," Mouse said weakly.

"What's that? I didn't quite hear you."

"No!" Mouse said, more forcefully.

"Who helped you then Mouse?" Marcus continued. "Who fed you and bandaged your wounds. Who nursed you back to life when it seemed there was nothing more to live for? Who did that for you Mouse? Who?"

"You did," Mouse replied, as if the words were being torn from her involuntarily.

"I said leave her alone!" Aeris snapped.

Marcus glanced at her, but the look on his face made it seem like he didn't think of her as much of a threat.

"I'm merely telling the truth," he said. "Is there a law against that?"

"You're hurting her," Aeris told him.

Marcus shrugged.

"The truth hurts, but it's still the truth" he replied. "This is the slums of Midgar. Life sucks. Get used to it. You think she's the only one around here who's ever been hurt? We all have our sob stories, but no one gets coddled here. No one here is rich, or is going to do great things. We're all lost down here, and no one in the outside world gives a damn about us. The only thing we have that's worth anything is our loyalty to one another. I've stuck by you Mouse, I've stuck by you through thick and thin. All I ask is that you do the same for me. We live in a dangerous world. Shinra will kill us at the drop of a hat. I need people who I can depend on. Without that we're all dead."

Mouse bowed her head, shaking it slowly.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I just..."

"She's not one of us Mouse. She refused to join us. She's not our friend."

Mouse was silent. Aeris turned and walked over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you all right?"

Mouse shrugged Aeris hand off and stood up, still looking at the ground.

"Leave me alone," she said softly.

"I don't care what he did for you in the past," Aeris said. "That doesn't mean he can dictate to you how to run your life, that doesn't mean he can tell you..."

"I said leave me alone!" Mouse cried out. She turned and walked away from Aeris, back over to where Riley was.

Aeris turned toward Marcus and glared at him.

"Well, you got what you wanted," she said harshly. "Riley is cured, or as best as I could. Isn't it time you made your exit, or are you going to try to kill me again?"

Marcus stood there for a long minute staring at her. She returned his gaze, unflinching. Finally he turned and walked over to Riley, helping him get to his feet. Once that was accomplished, he looked at Aeris again.

"We'll meet again," he said.

Aeris shook her head.

"I don't think that would be a good idea," she replied.

Marcus just gave her a skeptical look.

"I can't help you anymore!" Aeris proclaimed.

Still Marcus did not reply. He gave her one more look, then turned away, helping Riley limp down the street away from her, with Mouse following behind.

"You're welcome!" Aeris called out.

The others did not turn, all except Mouse, who was last in line. Aeris could see her mouth something, perhaps 'Thank you' before she turned back and followed the others once more.

Aeris stood there and watched them until they disappeared into the darkness. She wrapped her arms around herself, for the first time realizing just how cold she was in spite of her coat. Her words were hollow, and she knew it. She had already shown them that they could come to her if they needed help, regardless of the circumstances. She didn't think her words would keep this from repeating.

And what would happen then? Zack hadn't been around this time, thank God for that, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be if they came around again. He had told her he was going to keep an eye on her and she believed it. She didn't want them to come back, she didn't want there to be a confrontation, she didn't want to be involved, but she couldn't tell them Zack might be around. For all she knew, they might set a trap for him. She didn't want to endanger her boyfriend, but she didn't want the Nighthawks to think she was leading Soldier to them either.

She sighed, then spun around and walked quickly back to her home. Why did everything have to be such a mess? Why did everyone have to be so pig headed? If the slums needed more power, why couldn't the Nighthawks just reason with Shinra? She was sure if they all just talked it out they could come to a solution that everyone could live with.

She pulled open the door, then stood listening for a moment, but all was quiet. Apparently Elmyra was still asleep. She walked back up into her room, not breathing a sigh of relief until she was safely inside.

She was being stupid, she knew. Shinra and the Nighthawks were as likely to get together to talk as it was for the sun to shine on her house tomorrow. It just wasn't going to happen. No, they were going to keep at it until the Nighthawks were caught or...

Or what? Shinra changed it's ways?

She didn't know. She didn't know what to think. All she knew was that the whole thing was a huge mess and whether she liked it or not she was caught up in the middle of it, and right now, she didn't see anyway the story could have a happy ending.